Edge of space
Edge of space

The Mikoyan MiG-29 Fulcrum is a modern air superiority fighter jet of the 4th generation – comparable to the Boeing F/A-18 Hornet. So if you plan to break the sound barrier – you either become a military pilot or the MiG-29 Fulcrum flight is waiting for you! There is no other alternative. The Mikoyan MiG-29 Fulcrum is currently the only plane available for supersonic flying with Civilians. To get a taste of it, have a look at the photo collection and the Edge of Space video on the right-hand side of this page. And the view you’ll enjoy at the peak of this flight is breathtaking. So to say – you are sitting in a flying cannonball during your stratospheric MiG-29 flight. The answer is pretty simple – The MiG-29 is climbing to that Edge of Space flight altitude at supersonic speed and at a climb rate up to 330m/s – in a ballistic flight path. Blue Origin has stressed that outside the US, outer space is considered to begin at 100 km although, like Virgin Galactic’s Unity flight, the BO attempt will also launch from US soil.Edge of Space Flight – Ballistic Flight Profileīut how does the MiG-29 Fulcrum even climb to that altitude? After all, the service ceiling of the legendary MiG-29 is significantly lower.

edge of space

On the 20th of July, the Blue Origin company’s “New Shepard” capsule will attempt to go above the 62-mi FAI boundary with passengers onboard, something that previous uncrewed test flights have already done. Walker at the controls, the X-15 exceeded an altitude of 100 km and entered FAI-defined space. On two occasions, both with Capt Joseph A. Under this same definition, the piloted X-15 rocket plane that flew between 19 reached space several times and many of its pilots received astronaut wings by the US Air Force. Under that definition, Branson and Co did become astronauts during Sunday’s flight. However, the United States government employs its own definition for human spaceflight, considering those who travel above an altitude of 50 miles (80 km or 264000 ft) to be astronauts.

edge of space

According to the Fédération Aéronautique Internationale (FAI, the body considered responsible for definitions regarding human spaceflight), the boundary between Earth’s atmosphere and “outer space” is the so-called “Karman line” at an altitude of 100 km (62 miles or 330,000ft). Branson’s ship reached a peak altitude of ~282,500 feet or 53.5 miles, therefore that flight did not qualify as a spaceflight under this definition. But why “the edge” and not simply “space”, surely space is a well-defined domain so that one either reaches it or not?Īctually, the definition of space is depends on who you ask. On the 11th of July 2021, we were informed that Virgin Galactic’s CEO Sir Richard Branson and his fellow passengers onboard VSS Unity reached “the edge of space”.

Edge of space